My series „Quarantime - The World On My Doorstep“ and my new work "Im Korallenriff" (Haiku Poems, 2022)
were part of "ORTSTERMIN 22" Kunstfestival Tiergarten in Berlin.
When: 26.8. - 28.8.2022
Where: L36, Lehrter Str. 36, Berlin-Moabit
Vernissage: 26.08.2022, 19 Uhr
Curator: Marina Sorbello
Practices of Attention
Yvonne Andreini
Christine Bachmann
Alessandra Eramo
Diana Legel
Alexandra Wolframm
The group exhibition “Practices of Attention / Praktiken der Aufmerksamkeit” includes works by five female artists (drawings, paintings, photography, sound installation, objects) who deal in different ways with themes such as attention, concentration, flow states of artistic practices, rituals and the perception and interpretation of reality.